custom-made furniture

Imagine your dream home made to measure for you, our craftsmen will help you realise it. Customisation has no limit whatever your needs; from the colours to the timbers, from the dimensions to the composition, right down to the choice of every last detail. Customisation has no limit whatever your needs; from the colours to the timbers, from the dimensions to the composition, right down to the choice of every last detail.


A simple piece of furniture, it can embellish your home, differentiating rooms without disrupting them.

sofas and armchairs

With our craftsmen, you have no limits on customisation, but we also have a very large sample book of fabrics.


Finding a kitchen that perfectly fits the space is often complicated: a customised kitchen will enhance the ambience.


Custom-made wardrobes and walk-in wardrobes allow you to turn a 'difficult' space into an added value.


Uniqueness is one of the peculiarities why handmade objects are preferred, capable of integrating strongly with the architecture of the house.


Made-to-measure furniture is definitely one of Santori‘s strong points. To make sure we always guarantee you the highest conceivable quality and the highest possible level of customisation, we rely on our in-house joinery.

Our professionals are qualified in the production and customisation of any type of furniture and are available to satisfy any request.


La nostra filosofia è sviluppare prodotti duraturi nel tempo. Per farlo ci serviamo degli alberi ma sempre nel rispetto della natura. 

Abbiamo deciso di comunicare il nostro impegno ambientale con Treedom, il primo sito che permette di piantare alberi a distanza, sostenendo le comunità locali e rendendo più verde il pianeta. 


Chi sceglie Santori non sceglie solo contenuti progettuali ed estetici fatti per durare nel tempo.


Chi sceglie Santori non sceglie solo contenuti progettuali ed estetici fatti per durare nel tempo.


Chi sceglie Santori non sceglie solo contenuti progettuali ed estetici fatti per durare nel tempo.

tell us about

your needs

Trust the professionals to make your next piece of custom-made furniture. Complete the form and tell us what you need.